Mentari bangsaku is a holistic programme that covers nutritional intervention for PAUD and SD students. Through this programme nutritional food is distributed to children along with education about the importance of eating properly especially at the beginning of the day.

According to a FOI survey, about 30-50% of students at PAUD level suffer from hunger. An empty stomach means there are less able to concentrate on their studies. Hunger can make the students lazy, lacking in energy, weak, more emotional, restless and can lead to anemia. Of course, this undermines the learning process at school and students’ performance suffers as a result. Hunger is caused by poverty but also a lack of knowledge and parents who are too busy to fulfill this basic need.

The Mentari Bangsaku programme operates in several areas of Jakarta and Banten, including Cilincing, Manggarai, Menteng, Kebayoran Lama, Pasar Minggu and Serang. Five SD schools with a total of 1439 students are supported as are 143 PAUD with 9624 students.

Children represent the future of the country. They need to be given education on how to live healthy and productive lives. Forming a healthy approach to life of course requires the involvement of parents and teachers to give a strong direction to children.

Sayap Dari Ibu is a holistic food intervention programme for children aged 2 to 5 years old who are either at risk of poor nutrition and those who already fall below the red line based on a colour coded card system that indicates health and education about food and nutrition for parents and volunteers.

Nutrition has a significant influence on the quality of life.. A child is poorly nutritioned will be shorter and suffer from delayed brain and cognitive development which will affect her performance at school and result in a lower quality of life. Based on data from the Pemantauan Status Gizi (PSG) Kemenkes from 2016, one third of Inonesian children suffer from stunting, which makes Indonesia the fifth worst country in the world for stunting. It is unlikerly that Indonesia will be able to overcome this acute problem by 2030 as targeted by SDG number two.

Efforts to address this involve several agencies, including local governments, , Puskesmas, PAUD, SD and Majelis Taklim. The programme operates in Cilincing (NorthJakarta), Subang (West Java ) and Mungkid (Magelang, Central Java).

In Mungkid, Magelang, the SADARI programme was carried out for six months and managed to led to an increase in body weight and improved nutrition in 70% of children. It also led to a reduction in the number of children below the red line and increased the number in the green zone and above.

Food Posts

Food posts are an impotant part of FOI’s operations. The food posts provide food to the elderly, the sick and the urban poor. The programme aims to provide hope to the elderly and to provide a bridge between those with plenty of food and those with insufficient food and to encourage a culture of giving to those around them. Food posts have been set up around Kebayoran Baru and have served 50 elderly and in Cilincing 5 elderly. The programme provides food every Tuesday and Thursday of each week. FOI has delivered over 10,000 food portions to the elderly and those in dire need. FOI has been greatkly assisted by a team of volunteers who distribute food in the form of rice, side dishes, fruit and milk.


Indonesia Ceria (Cerita Baik Kita)

Indonesia Ceria is a programme conducted in cooperation with several partners (government, private sector, civil society organizations and the media) to synergize help that addresses food security issues. yang diusung dalam sebuah cerita baik bersama. Several firms are involved including JNE Express and Super Indo. JNE, as a logistics firm, provides a distribution service and Super Indo, as one of the big supermarket chains in Indonesia, provides food and drinks for FOI recipients. The programme also works with Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak RI (Ministry for the Empowerment of Women and Child Protection), Kedeputian Bidang Tumbuh Kembang Anak. The program aims to support government programmes in achieving the sustainable development goals to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and develop more sustainable farming practices.

Blessing to Share

Blessing to Share is a programme run in collaboration with Bridestory and Food Cycle. Weddings and other functions usually end with a lot of uneaten food and the programme collects this food which is still perfectly good and FOI redistributes it to those in need.

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